EgidX - La Solution

Votre Registre de Sécurité en un Clique

EgidX est une solution SaaS innovante, conçue pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des professionnels de la sécurité incendie et des établissements recevant du public, des sites industriels, et des espaces commerciaux. Grâce à une interface intuitive et des fonctionnalités puissantes, EgidX facilite la gestion des registres de sécurité, la traçabilité des événements, le contrôle des accès et la planification des rondes de surveillance.

14 jours d'essai gratuit
Paiement en un click
De nombreux Clients satisfaits

EgidX - sûreté et sécurité

Fonctionnalités Avancées

de Sécurité
des Rondes


Gestion Électronique

EgidX - Sûreté et Sécurité

EgidX For Creatives

Stay focused and productive with a clean and clutter-free note space. The flexible ways to organize your notes: hashtags, nested notebooks, pinning notes to the top of the note list, etc

Filtering notes using matched keywords
Automatically sync in real time
Complete note editor with rich text options

Better Note Management

Your Notes Security

Automatically syncs across all your devices. You can also access and write notes without internet connection.

Images, videos, PDFs and audio files are supported. Create math expressions and diagrams directly from the app. Take photos with the mobile app and save them to a note.

Images, videos, PDFs and audio files are supported. Create math expressions and diagrams directly from the app. Take photos with the mobile app and save them to a note.

Images, videos, PDFs and audio files are supported. Create math expressions and diagrams directly from the app. Take photos with the mobile app and save them to a note.

Beautiful Themes

Focus More With
Dark Theme

Apply Notero’s elegant themes to your taste. Dark themes work excellently for those who prefer distraction-free mode.

Filtering notes using matched keywords
8 Beautiful themes for you select
Save energy for your device
Easy to switch between light and dark mode

One-Time Payment

Integration avec les Applications Populaires

Notero intergrate with popular apps. Help you easy to connect and collaboration

Témoignages Clients

Adoré par Nos Clients

Notero loved from thoudsands customer worldwide and get trusted from big companies.


Downloaded and Installation


Based on 1,258 reviews

“You can even send emails to Evernote and gather all of the things you need in a single place.”

JURGEN K. / Senior Marketing At Brator

“You can even send emails to Evernote and gather all of the things you need in a single place.”

JURGEN K. / Senior Marketing At Brator

“You can even send emails to Evernote and gather all of the things you need in a single place.”

JURGEN K. / Senior Marketing At Brator

Plan d'Abonnement

Commencer Avec Un tarif Abordable


Free / Month

Free 14 days trial, you can use over 20 basic features
  • Write 5 Notes On Only iOS & Android
  • Add Attachments, Tables, Codes and More To Your Notes
  • Protect Your Notes and Notebooks With Lock
  • Focus Mode and Dark Theme
  • Export to Text, PDF, HTML and Markdown formats
Get Started Now


$29 / Month

Experience all premium features and only one-time payment
  • Write 5 Notes On Only iOS & Android
  • Add Attachments, Tables, Codes and More To Your Notes
  • Protect Your Notes and Notebooks With Lock
  • Focus Mode and Dark Theme
  • Export to Text, PDF, HTML and Markdown formats
Get Started Now

FAQ Questions posées fréquemment

Need A Support?

Through the collaboration with customers in discussing needs and demand, we're able to attain mutual understanding, gain customer trust to offer appropriate advice

Through the collaboration with customers in discussing needs and demand, we're able to attain mutual understanding, gain customer trust to offer appropriate advice

Through the collaboration with customers in discussing needs and demand, we're able to attain mutual understanding, gain customer trust to offer appropriate advice

Through the collaboration with customers in discussing needs and demand, we're able to attain mutual understanding, gain customer trust to offer appropriate advice

Through the collaboration with customers in discussing needs and demand, we're able to attain mutual understanding, gain customer trust to offer appropriate advice

Through the collaboration with customers in discussing needs and demand, we're able to attain mutual understanding, gain customer trust to offer appropriate advice

Through the collaboration with customers in discussing needs and demand, we're able to attain mutual understanding, gain customer trust to offer appropriate advice

Through the collaboration with customers in discussing needs and demand, we're able to attain mutual understanding, gain customer trust to offer appropriate advice

Through the collaboration with customers in discussing needs and demand, we're able to attain mutual understanding, gain customer trust to offer appropriate advice

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